Friday, September 17, 2010

What is the use of a CPU if GPU's are inauguration to overpower them and vice versa?

Versus in recent times using more than one CPU instead of a GPU or the many combinations possible.

What is the use of a CPU if GPU's are inauguration to overpower them and vice versa?

okay graphics similar to when you play a computer game want to be processed which with out a GPU would be processed by your computers basic CPU using up computer resources the GPU is a second CPU much smaller than the main one surrounded by your computer that comes built in to better more costly graphics cards that dose nil but process graphics which frees up valuable primary CPU power and makes your video and games look much better because the GPU is made souly for graphics processing which your computers main CPU is not its made for notes processing and you have to enjoy a CPU too the GPU is not in anyway a replacement for a CPU here this will speak about you more
Central Processing Units control the computer functions. Graphics Processing Units control the image shown on the blind. As you know CPUs tend to need alot of resources to run lots of todays modern programs. That is why there are seperate GPUs to control graphics. This passageway it frees up resources on a CPU and also providing a better picture.

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