Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What UPS should I win for a TV rate at 4.5amps?

What is the min size ups I could buy to run the 36 tv that have a 4.5amp rating? I tried a 120W/650VA and it wouldn't keep it on a few second.

What UPS should I win for a TV rate at 4.5amps?

A UPS provides a certain amount of POWER (Watts) for a enduring amount of TIME (t) at a certain VOLTAGE (V, DC or AC) and near a certain maximum CURRENT (Amps)

You call for to choose a UPS

1. to provide the right VOLTAGE output for your appliance. I'll assume you are north american (I'm not) and are using 110 Volts AC

2. to provide sufficient output power (Watts) to power your appliance . If your appliance requires 4.5 AMPs at 110V then it requires 540Watts (Volts x Amps). Choose one skilful of providing 30-40% more than that (800-1000W is good)

3. to provide that amount of power for the time you require. Look at the UPS specifications - usually a number is quoted in Ampere-hours - that channel how long 1 Amp may be provided. A 10 ampere-hour UPS will provide 10 amps for 1 hour. If you need 5 Amps afterwards it will provide 5 Amps for 12 minutes (5 times more current , one fifth of the duration.)

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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