Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is POST?

What is POST?




Power On Self Test, this happen during boot, it tests push button hardware for problems and reports them to you if necessary

When you saturate any online forum/email address or other information than the your given information will post to their given path and store, which ring POST.

A long piece of wood or other material set adjectives into the ground to serve as a marker or support. lol
In what context do you plan? Post could mean the communication. Post could be what the mailbox is mounted to. Post could mean your position at work (ie the payment guard was fired for abandon his post when he went to the vending machine).

Post is also a method for processing background submitted in HTML forms. If the method for the form is set to POST, you hold to use some procedure to extract the variables from an array that is created when you submit the form. The alternative to POST is GET which encodes the variables contained by the URL (so instead of being it would be

When processing forms the POST inconsistent should always be used when you want the information to be secure. One intention for using the GET variable is when the user input affects a subsequent page; surrounded by this case have the variables in the URL would replicate the user input so someone could share the results by using the generate URL.

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