Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is processor speed?

what is processor speed within relation to computers? I need a really simple definition.

What is processor speed?

The clock rate is the fundamental rate contained by cycles per second (measured in hertz) at which a computer perform its most basic operation such as adding two numbers or transferring a attraction from one processor register to another. Different chips on the motherboard may have different clock rates. Usually when referring to a computer, the residence clock rate is used to refer to the speed of the CPU.

The clock rate of a CPU is normally determined by the frequency of an oscillator crystal. The first commercial PC, the Altair (by MITS), used an Intel 8080 CPU beside a clock rate of 2 MHz. The original IBM PC (c. 1981) have a clock rate of 4.77 MHz (4,770,000 cycles/second). In 1995, Intel's Pentium chip ran at 100 MHz (100 million cycles/second), and within 2002, an Intel Pentium 4 model was introduced as the first CPU next to a clock rate of 3 GHz (three billion cycles/second).
It is how fast your computer can infer.
Since you want it simple I am skipping the technicals.

In layman's words it is .

The faster the processor's clock speed, which is measured in MHz (megahertz) or GHz (gigahertz), the faster it can execute instructions.
shortest time taken to complete a obligation is measured as speed in computiing expressions. It s measured as clock speed(oscillator) and xpressed as basic part of hertz,
its how many things a processor can do contained by a second

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